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Get started with canning
  1. Select and review your favourite recipe. The recipe determines the canning method: freezer, waterbath canning or pressure canning.
  2. Gather your ingredients. Do not substitute ingredients as it may impact results.
  3. Clean all tools, jars, lids and workspaces with hot soapy water, rinsing well. Keep jars warm until they are ready to use.
  4. Prepare the recipe and fill jars, removing any food from the rims. Centre the lid and twist on the band, not overly tight as air must escape during canning.
  5. Process as per the recipe’s directions, which differ by method. If using waterbath or pressure methods, press on the centre of the lid when jars have been removed and cooled. If the jar is sealed, the lid will not flex up or down.


* Adapted. For full instructions, please see Bernardin’s “Let’s Start Preserving! Intro to Canning.

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