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Celebrate the Earth with Co-operative Coffee

Since April 22, 1970, Earth Day has marked the importance of protecting the environment.

This April, Co-op is celebrating the farmers in Peru and Nicaragua who have embraced Earth-friendly practices in growing and harvesting coffee beans for Fairtrade-certified varieties of Co-operative Coffee. These farmers adhere to rigorous Fairtrade standards, which protect workers’ rights and give them fair prices, and enforce sustainable production and environmental protections.

The Fairtrade farming advantage

The impacts of climate change are affecting farmers around the world. Coffee is very sensitive to temperature change, with yields being affected by increases as small as two degrees. Adopting sustainable practices creates farms that are more resilient while reducing their carbon footprint.

Fairtrade coffee farmers in Peru and Nicaragua have access to funding which they can spend on planet-friendly efforts such as tree planting and clean energy. Through the Fairtrade Climate Standard, Fairtrade farmers can reduce emissions through reforestation or energy-efficient cookstoves to become eligible for carbon credits—and designate their product as “climate friendly.” The economic benefits of Fairtrade farming make it easier for producers to care for the natural spaces they rely on.

Protecting the environment

Fairtrade farming practices have sustainability at their core. To meet the standards, farmers cannot use certain harmful agrochemicals and are encouraged to limit pesticide use. Improving soil quality in turn improves the health of plants and encourages natural pest control.

Maintaining biodiversity is another rigid standard that must be met. Monoculture crops have increased risk of disease, and Fairtrade standards protect forests from being cut down to grow more crops, maintaining the rich ecosystems local to their area. Coffee farmers can grow their crops under the shade of new guava trees planted to add to nitrogen to the soil, or under existing native trees.

Meeting high standards

Closer to home in Humboldt, Sask., TCO Cert is a member-controlled organic certification body. When you see the Canada Organic seal on bags of Co-operative Coffee, it means the operation has passed stringent annual inspections to be certified organic.

What’s the advantage? Organic growing practices are sustainable and create healthy soils and plants, as well as a healthy working environment on the farm. You can feel good choosing a product that was grown with the environment in mind. These sustainable practices are a big step towards a better world.

Co-operative Coffee from Peru and Nicaragua is Fairtrade and Organic certified. Choose these Co-operative Coffees to make your day better, and to make a better Earth.

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